

Honey - the secret of eternal youth. The secret of rejuvenation. The extension of youth. Honey - beauty and health

The secret of eternal youth so long been interested in the people that scientists are ready day and night to work on deciphering it. Many factors affect the rate of aging, has been solved by science and comprehensively studied, but search tools that would help mitigate the devastating effects of time, go so far. Foreign experts, however, say that they have finally managed to find a cure, and she, in contrast to the facilities offered by plastic surgeons, not only painless, but enjoyable.

The secret of rejuvenation

The secret of rejuvenation was hidden, as ascertained by the staff of the University in Hamilton New Zealand Lynne Chepulis and Nicola Starkey, a sweet delicacy produced by bees - in the ordinary honey. Winnie the Pooh seems to know what to do once used it in unlimited quantities and do not hesitate to ask for a supplement. Perhaps suggest New Zealand scientists will soon be selling honey in pharmacies with tags' means for the extension of youth. "

Laboratory studies

Experimenters have come to this conclusion on the basis of extensive experiments with three groups of rats, one of which had the enviable fate - in the year to follow a diet containing 10% honey diet of the second group consisted of 8% sucrose, but the third did not feed at all sweet. For the research project selected rats at the age of two months, which subsequently every three months were tested for susceptibility to stress, depression and visual memory. It was found that rats that were fed honey regularly, much less worried, better orient themselves in space and developed an enviable rate of the reaction.
"A diet enriched with honey instead of sugar, may be an excellent prospect for the conservation of youth - when it comes to mental clarity and intensity of mental activity", - says Nicola Starkey, whose participation in the study, funded by a New Zealand dairy company, which is interested in the production of yoghurt with honey.

Resistance to stress the mind and body as a whole

Honey as a natural sweetener and a very useful produces, as measured by the rats, very bright effect: it increases the stress levels of the psyche and the body as a whole, strengthens the immune system and does not provide intelligence to fall victim to age-related changes. New Zealand researchers involved in this project believe that these truly wonderful properties honey has due to high content of antioxidants, which are recognized as a means of anti-aging human body.

The fact that honey effect on people as beneficial as on rats to prove by new experiments, but scientists have little doubt of success. The fact that their British counterparts who are interested in therapeutic potential of honey, a long-standing investigation of this kind, and their experience can become a support for further research and control projects for youth.