

Today we will touch on sore subject - diabetes and honey. What kind of honey useful? Do all you can eat natural honey in patients with diabetes mellitus? The people goes a lot of opinions, but, unfortunately, almost all opinions are wrong.

The use of honey in diabetes. What kind of honey to choose?

Consider the honey composition, honey, 80% of simple sugars comprises:
• fructose (fruit sugar)
• glucose (dextrose)
It is important to understand that these sugars are not like conventional sugar beet. The latter - a complex saccharide for cleavage of which our body has to work hard. Cleavage occurs to simple sugars, or absorption occurs. Sugar composition ready for consumption of honey and used in one percent.

Diabetes mellitus

In simple words, diabetes mellitus - a rise in blood glucose concentration. It is the use of glucose in food is limited.
In any natural honey percent more fructose than glucose. There is a honey rich in glucose, but there vysokofruktoznye honey. As you may have guessed, it is rich in fructose honey should be used for diabetics.

How to identify high fructose honey?

By crystallization. The more glucose in honey, the faster and harder crystallized honey. Conversely, more than fructose, so crystallization takes place more slowly and may not even occur. Honey with less glucose can separate into a liquid fraction and a crystal-top from the bottom. This natural honey causes the greatest mistrust.

Why a honey more glucose and fructose in another?

First, the variety of honey. Honey with canola, sunflower, yellow thistle, buckwheat, cruciferous always has a high amount of glucose. Crystallization fast and hard. Honey with fireweed, thistle pink, cornflower rough on the contrary, are often more liquid crystallizes slowly, often stratified.
There is a "classic" noncrystallizing honey, such as acacia (not Siberian). In Siberia, these honeys more, but it is not connected to the botanical variety of honey, and the natural geographical features.
So geography. Siberia - cold country. Short, cool summers often, the lack of sun. Under these conditions, glucose in the nectar of plants produced bad. And not just in the nectar, but also in the juice of fruits and berries. Best Siberian berries are not very sweet. The sweetness in them is due to fruit sugars - fructose. Many noticed that in the hot summer berries sweeter. This is due to the generation of additional glucose. Grapes - berry with glucose. But in warmer countries sweetness of grapes is not constant throughout the seasons.
In the hot season the grapes sweeter wine in such years do best. All of the above applies to the nectar honey plants. General rule: honey crystallizes in northern slower in the southern faster.
From the above it can be concluded that the Siberian (not Altay) honey have less glucose and are safer for diabetics.
If you see a sign "for diabetics", that run counter to this, artificial honey on it, and before you a speculator.