

 What is bee venom

Bee venom - a kind of waste product of the bees, which is designed primarily to protect the bees nest.
Bee venom, which is also called apitoxin (from the Latin word Apis - bee and Greek toxin - poison), is now widely used to treat many diseases in lyudey.S used for this purpose bee stings and prepare special agents from the venom. In pharmacies Apitoxins available preparations in ampoules in the form of an ointment.
For a large number of bee venom uses a number of ways:

The vessel with the film

In a vessel is filled up to the top peach or olive oil and close the film of animal origin (from the bladder of sheep and calves). After stretching the film to be in contact with the oil. Bee taken with tweezers, gently squeeze, put on tape, and forced her to pierce the tip. Sting of remaining on the film, the poison flows into the oil, which settles to the bottom of the vessel, gradually gathering in small droplets, which are then collected.

Electric current

Second, less time-consuming way, the proposed NM Artemov and IS Solodukho, provides a greater amount of bee venom. To do this in a big box shake 50 g of bees and using mobile tablets make them evenly distributed on the bottom. Bottom of the box is provided with a detachable yadopriemnym device. The top layer of the bottom covered with a film of animal origin, which are placed under 2-3 layers of filter paper, and bottom - sheet of cellophane.
Under yadopriemnym device pull wire through it an electric current from the induction coil connected to a battery voltage of 8.6 V. Under the influence of electric current bee sting irritated and top film, as a result of venom collected in the filter paper. After that, remove the bottom of the box, remove the stingless bees, again put in place the bottom of the box and the operation is repeated up to 10 times. After the operation, take out the filter paper, which contains a large amount of venom.

Electrical current from notch

You can get bee venom directly at the apiary. To do this, set the hive entrance hive special device. Bees, passing through it, are exposed to a weak electric current and immediately give a poison that gets on specially mounted into glass and dries quickly. Then bee venom collected.

The easiest way

NP Ioyrish (1976) offers the simplest method of obtaining bee venom. Take the tweezers and bee applied to the abdomen of the slide. Bee stings glass and produces a poison, while maintaining a thorn in the abdomen. On one slide to the author managed to get up to 300 units or more apitoxins (conventionally referred to as a unit amount of poison generated by a bee).
Then apply two glass surfaces, which is a poison to each other and even sent in the mail.

Getting the poison of dead bees

The same author has described a technique for producing bee venom from the dead bees, which are thrown out of the hive in the spring. Decoctions of dead bees after sterilization retain those substances which are responsible for the therapeutic effect of bee venom. By evaporation of a concentrated decoction of dead bees NP Ioyrishu managed to get apitoxin.

Characterization of bee venom

Bee venom is transparent, has a pungent odor resembling the smell of honey, bitter and pungent taste, acidic, its share is equal to 1.133. Bee venom dries quickly even at room temperature, thus losing about 2/3 of their body weight. Withered poison looks like a transparent mass, resembling gum arabic, which is easily soluble in water and acids. Bee venom is highly resistant to high and low temperatures: heating in the dry state to 100 ° C even for 10 days did not have any significant impact on its properties, and freezing does not reduce its toxic action. Packed bee venom by thorough protection from moisture can maintain toxic properties for many years.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of bee venom is very complex and poorly understood. The main part of it is considered toxic protein substances. Furthermore, it comprises a polypeptide Melitina consisting of 26 amino acids, essential oils, enzymes hyaluronidase and phospholipase, various acid - formic, hydrochloric, phosphoric, etc., Histamine, choline, tryptophan, magnesium, sulfur, copper and other substances. It is believed that the therapeutic effect of bee venom cause histamine (it contains up to 1%), magnesium phosphate (constituting 0.4% by weight of dried venom) and a high content of acetylcholine.

Bee venom and people

It is known that the sensitivity to bee venom with different people is not the same. The most sensitive to it women, children and the elderly. Typically 1 - 5 or even 10 simultaneous stings by bees carry a healthy person easily. The reaction occurs only in the form of redness, swelling and burning sensations. But 200-300 simultaneous stings can cause poisoning of the body, with the characteristics of disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous system (shortness of breath, cyanosis, rapid heart rate, seizures, paralysis, etc.), 400-500 stings can cause death, most often in resulting in paralysis of the respiratory center.
Some people have increased sensitivity to bee venom. One sting causes them malaise, sharp headache, urticaria, vomiting, and diarrhea.
The consequences of stinging bees are usually without any medical care: in mild cases, 45-60, and in more severe (edema) - 2-3 days.
First aid for bee stings at first remove the stinger with tweezers better, and then applied to the affected areas alcoholic lotions, if necessary, solutions were injected with atropine, diphenhydramine, and other drugs.

WARNING! Receipt of bee venom is a very dangerous thing. You can die from it steams! Stay alert. Take care of your health.