


Beeswax - grainy fat-like substance produced by worker bees. The largest number of young bees secrete wax at the age of 12 - 18 days, and they are abundantly fed fresh honey and pollen. To produce 1 kg of wax, bees must consume 3.6kg of honey and 4.7 kg of sugar and a bit of pollen.
Production of wax - the need for an organic bees, as it is the result of processing of the absorbed nutrients. Bees wax seal the cells with honey, wax plates - those building blocks by which the cells are built. The bright svezhevystroennyh cells contain 86 - 100% wax. The older the cell, so they are darker wax content of not more than 60%

Properties of beeswax

• Colour white natural wax (derived from yellow by bleaching), with different shades of yellow or grayish. On a cut mat, if added to the wax rosin, paraffin, cut shiny and smooth.
• The smell of honey and propolis (yellow wax) or almost absent (white).
• Taste particular, honey, propolis. Natural wax does not stick to the teeth.
• Consistency. When struck with a hammer bar of wax is easily split. When kneading hands wax becomes plasticity and softness.
• Structure. On a cut or fracture is a fine-grained structure.
• Insoluble in water and glycerin. Easily soluble in fatty and essential oils, turpentine, chloroform, toluene is mixed with fat and wax. In the alcohol dissolves only part of the substance of wax.

The composition of beeswax

• Beeswax is a mixture of many chemical compounds.
• Essential components (monoesters, diesters, triesters and hydroxyethers) - 70 -75%
• Free fatty acid (cerotic, oleic and montaninovaya) - 13 - 15%
• Saturated hydrocarbons - 12 - 17%
• Water - 0.4%
• Carbohydrates (geptakozan and pentakozan)
• Flavors
• Colorants
• Organic substances
• Minerals

• Vitamins (not collapse after peretaplivaniya) 100g of wax contained about 4 g of provitamin A, while 100 g of carrots - total 0.01 g most of it is contained in a yellow wax.
Thus, wax - a unique natural product, as it is received secret known only to the bees.
 The first mention of the use of beeswax as a drug contained in the Egyptian "Ebers Papyrus" relating to the 1700 BC
Many ancient physicians, including Hippocrates recommended impose warm wax on the neck with angina. In the Middle Ages wax, along with honey, was used for preparation of various therapeutic agents - ointments, poultices. Avicenna advised to apply the wax as a cough expectorant and emollient agent.
History tells another unusual application of wax. About 5 thousand years ago, man discovered the secret of making encaustic paint, which was used in the wax.


The use of beeswax

Wax is a biologically active product, having a high bactericidal properties are not lost even after the technical processing. About 80% of acquired from bees wax back into beekeeping as an artificial honeycombs, which significantly increases the profitability of beekeeping.

Beeswax industrial

Wax in the industry

When the solidification of the wax provides a "shrink" the same as iron. Therefore steel wax check forms, which are then cast machine parts, including guns.

Wax in optics

Optical factories wax goes for engraving glass for the manufacture of gluing and polishing pastes.

Wax in the aviation

The aviation industry uses wax to make various impregnating and coating colors.

Wax for F / D

In rail transport wax is used to impregnate the leather seals in the brakes.

Wax in the radio

In a radio and telephone equipment wax goes on insulation of the wires for the manufacture of capacitors.

Wax leather industry

A very large number of beeswax leather industry consumes in finishing, impregnation, polishing and coloring of the skin. The wax gives the skin a water-repellent properties.

Wax in various fields

Widely used wax in the electrical industry, in electroplating, for the preparation of medicines (zinc ointment, plasters, etc.) in the confectionery industry, woodworking, printing, automotive, glass, paper, textile, paint, and others.

Wax in the Church

Made of wax church candles.

Wax treatment

Wax in diseases of skin and mucous membranes

Anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties of wax you can use it for diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.
Currently producing candy containing wax. Chewing them increases the production of saliva and gastric juice, and thereby promotes good digestion, strengthens the gums and teeth. Pharmaceutical emulsions and cream foundations under the influence of wax are very stable, so they are prepared different consistencies - from liquid to solid.

Wax in Dermatology

Use in dermatology. Wax candles are prepared, balms, emulsions for the treatment of burns, sun creams and other treatments are available.

The wax helps to quit smoking

Chewing wax can help to break the habit of smoking.

Wax in the cosmetology

Wax in cosmetics

Use of wax in cosmetics. Properties of wax as a preservative and a component that increases the viscosity, allows you to apply the wax very well: the creation of an elite of lipstick, eye shadow, creams and other beauty products. In cosmetics it is used white (bleached wax). In perfumes and soaps are used in the manufacture of the wax-absolute (prepared using an alcohol) as the aromatic additive.

Wax strengthens nails

Resealing excellent strengthen nails and promote their growth. And also make the skin smooth and velvety.
Melt the wax in the fire in a small amount of water. Dip the tips of the fingers into the hot wax, after it has cooled slightly. The wax hardens on your fingers. Put on cosmetic gloves and go to bed. In the morning off.