

Honey- the main product produced in apiaries.

Honey - a very sophisticated product in terms of its identification. This allows unscrupulous traders and dealers to falsify this product.
And the first information about the falsification of honeys from sources available to me back to the 19th century. There was even a special term for this honey - "Vederinsky honey" by the name of its author.
Because you always want to buy only natural bee honey (If reading this page), I will try to tell you about this wonderful product life of bees and plants in detail.

             What is honey?


 Physical properties of honey





             Chemical    composition

             Fermentation, acidification

    What is honey?
Natural bee honey (we will only talk about natural honey) is divided into two groups:
• flower honey
• honeydew honey
Flower prepared by bees from the nectar of plants and nectar found in flowers.
And no matter what the flowers. Cornflowers in the field, or linden viburnum blossoms, if only they were able to produce nectar, ie is the color of honey plants.
Most buyers in the market ask the standard question: "This flower honey? '. In this issue they put some sort of a, a clear sense to them. Attempts to clarify what they mean, always maintained ignorance of buyers in this matter.
So, any honey: with herbs, Sweet Clover, Clover, osotovy, buckwheat, rape, etc. - All flower honey.
Another group - honeydew honey. It is more rare varieties of honey. Do not rush to regret it. Consumer properties of this group of honeys very low. True, in some countries - the most expensive varieties.
Honeydew honey is divided into two categories: animal and plant.
Animal - it's honey gathered from different insect groups, under certain conditions, emit a sweet juice. Such as aphids.
Plant - built with some varieties of spruce and fir. In warm autumn weather, it happens that these plants start to the axils of the kidneys excrete a sweet juice - sap.
Bees can gather from them a decent amount of honey.
In my practice, I have never received honeydew honey, and I know about it by hearsay. According to my information on nearby apiaries podtaezhnoy zone since 1996 (Bolsheuluysky and Birillyusky districts) were just 2 of the season, which was obtained in honeydew honey. In appearance it is almost black.
Next will be a question only of a flower bee honey.

 The physical properties of honey

 Color of honey
The first impression of honey - it's his color. Depending on the botanical composition of honey, its color can range from nearly colorless (transparent) to dark - brown, almost black (honeydew).

Very popular in Siberia Sweet Clover honey is just a light, only slightly yellowish. Not far away from him and kipreyny honey (taiga).
Honey with herbs can have a variety of shades (he is from the nectar of various colors), depending on the conditions of the flora of the place where it is collected. This yellow and dark yellow with a green tint and brown, in a word to convey in words all of its color gradation is impossible.
I should add that there is no honey and red and blue.

 The viscosity of honey
The viscosity of honey - his second feature, which you can determine the right market. The viscosity depends on the type of honey, its temperature, and most importantly - from humidity. If you buy the "unripe" Honey, that is, honey that the bees are not brought to normal moisture (not exceeding 21%), it would be overly liquid at normal room temperature, it is not possible to cheat on a spoon, even at a very rapid movements. Such honey is not sufficiently enriched with enzymes, further storage begins to ferment and sour.
There is a simple way to determine the viscosity of honey on the market. Pick up a hermetically sealed container with nezakristalizovanym honey, quick movement and turn it over to watch a ball of air that moves upward. The speed of its movement can be seen on the viscosity of honey, and, consequently, the maturity (do not forget about the temperature of honey).
There is a misconception that chemical pencil can define natural honey. So: the use of indelible pencil is connected with a certain humidity of honey, a little water - not with ink pen.

 The smell, the aroma of honey
Under normal conditions, the honey has a flavor. The origin of flavor due to the presence of essential oils in nectar. Different varieties of honey have a different flavor. This is understandable. As a rule, the northern honey have a more subtle flavor, sometimes barely perceptible (Sweet Clover honey). Honey southern origin are more pungent smell. The buyer in the market more quickly sniff south honey.
In modern conditions obanyanie people violated various chemical flavorings commonly used in the confectionery industry.
Therefore, buyers sometimes smelling honey, they say that it does not smell. Cold honey smells less or no smell. Because there is no evaporation of essential oils.

 The taste of honey
Probably the last thing you can do in the market, is to try honey.
In my experience: to understand the honey from a sample of the market can not everyone.
My observations are as follows: half have tried honey, shrugging his shoulders in meditation retreat. The reasons for this, I think, very different: a psychological constraint when choosing ignorance that should raskushat, frustration from unrealistic expectations.
So what is the taste of honey? You can answer in one word - sweet. Many believe that the real honey should taste bitter. Apparently this is misleading due to the effect of "deaf phone." The focus should be on the finish, so-called sore throat mucosa. It shows a tickle enzymatic and biological activity of honey or as not related to the bitter taste. By the way, to feel the aftertaste, you need to eat at least half a teaspoon of honey. Take the same sample many of the droplet, which is not that up to the neck, to the language does not come to that. Do not hesitate to try honey.
If you're even in it do not understand it you have to like the taste, if not - why would you buy? Remember, honey was the best treat our ancestors, and can not taste bad.

 Weight of real honey
How much in pounds? This is a very common question in the market. As a rule, buyers are due to a quart jar. Upon hearing the price, surprised, and learn that liter jar has a different price, are confused.
Honey - a heavy product, its density at 19% moisture content of 1.42 kg / l. If the honey has a lower moisture content, for example, according to the analysis of honey in 2009 with herbs, humidity was 14.2%. Weighing showed a density of 1.48 kg / l. In any case, the standard medical (up to 21% humidity) in liter jar, poured at the top has a weight of at least 1.5kg.

 The chemical composition of honey

The composition of honey consists of two simple sugars:
• glucose (grape)
• fructose (fruit).
It is important to understand that these sugars are not like ordinary beet sugar. The latter - a complex saccharide for cleavage of which our body has to work hard. Cleavage occurs to simple sugars, or absorption occurs. Sugar composition ready for consumption of honey and used in one percent.
As part of honey, glucose and fructose occupy the major part. By volume to 80%. The rest is water (up to 21%), as well as minerals, amino acids and enzymes.
Misconceptions about the properties of honey associated with this speculation and rumors, "accurate knowledge" of some people, what honey, and what not, just belong to the field of glucose and fructose.
I have already said that honey is difficult to identify. Why? Now I'm not talking about non-natural honeys. Only on this bee flower honey.
If honey is always behaved the same way, probably, would not be difficult to remember what it should be, and there would be so much distrust. However, they say: "How many places - so much honey." We have already talked about the color and flavor. They depend on the botanical composition of honey. It is much more difficult to crystallize.

 Crystallization  honey
Crystallization, other terms of the people - zasaharivaniya, warren.
This is a natural for honey process that changes the consistency of the fluid in the slabotekuchuyu or almost solid. Crystallization - a formation of crystals of glucose. In appearance they resemble sugar. Only so many people are afraid zakristallizovanogo honey.
So, is responsible for the crystallization of glucose contained in honey. Normal glucose solid state. Other sugars - fructose never crystallized. Its normal state - liquid. Zakristallizovany honey is liquid crystals glucose fructose. In the honey glucose and fructose is roughly equal. However, this "about" affects the behavior of honey during storage.
The more glucose in honey, the faster and harder crystallized honey. Conversely, more than fructose, so crystallization takes place more slowly and may not even occur. Honey with less glucose can separate into a liquid fraction and a crystal-top from the bottom. Such honey causes the greatest mistrust.
Why a honey more glucose and fructose in another?
First, the variety of honey. Honey with canola, sunflower, yellow thistle, cruciferous always has a high amount of glucose. Crystallization fast and hard. With fireweed honey, on the contrary, are often more liquid crystallizes slowly, often stratified.
There is a "classic" noncrystallizing honey, such as acacia (not Siberian). In Siberia, these honeys more, but it is not connected to the botanical variety of honey, and the natural geographical features.
So geography. Siberia - cold country. Short, cool summers often, the lack of sun. Under these conditions, glucose in the nectar of plants produced bad. And not just in the nectar, but also in the juice of fruits and berries. Best Siberian berries are not very sweet. The sweetness in them is due to fruit sugars - fructose. Many noticed that in the hot summer berries sweeter. This is due to the generation of additional glucose. Grapes - berry with glucose. But in warmer countries sweetness of grapes is not constant throughout the seasons.
In the hot season the grapes sweeter wine in such years do best. All of the above applies to the nectar honey plants. General rule: honey crystallizes in northern slower in the southern faster.
Sometimes you can read or hear in the media, for example,
that honey should crystallize by October, otherwise it's not honey. This is not true and goes from malosveduschih people. Imagine, my grandfather life in his yard kept 10 hives. Anyone would say, "Of course, it authority in this matter." This is where knowledge of the grandfather is not complete. For many years he was getting the honey in the same area and some surrounding its plants.
We are on his apiary got invaluable experience on the subject. Three years, our apiary based in d.Shpagino, Birillyuskogo district. This area was once famous for honey. There got some of the best honey collection in the country.
So, there honey crystallizes very slowly. In the first season we were very surprised when the honey until March, and "think" would not crystallize. Appealed to local beekeepers old. They confidently replied: "We have always honey of three years did not crystallize until eaten or sold." They were sure that the "low" just a bad honey. The old man with the stick in our area opposite point of view.
Consumers are entitled to ask: what kind of honey is more helpful, which crystallizes quickly or slowly that. According to data from the literature and many researchers healing properties of honey, never met distinction on the grounds of the usefulness of honey crystallize. Based on the current state of the honey market, I will say this - the main thing that it was natural honey.
Another point on the crystallization of importance to the consumer: The structure of crystallization. Many noticed that honey is crystallized from large granular crystals and is a small, sometimes forming so called saloobraznuyu mass. Last prefers the majority of consumers. The structure of crystallization depends again on the botanical composition of honey (Class I) and the external environment in which the crystallization took place. It is known that the optimum temperature for the crystallization of honey +14 ˚ C. At this temperature, honey crystallize fastest. The deviation from this temperature, both downwards and upwards slow crystallization process. If you have just evacuated the apiary honey freeze, for example up to -10 ˚ C, then it will remain "fresh" for a long time. This honey chemical processes due to low temperatures almost do not go. A more realistic example: you bought in August, a jar of honey and put it in a cupboard in a city apartment. The temperature is stable and there is no lower than 22 ˚ C. Honey in the jar will crystallize more slowly same honey left in an unheated room. Honey, which crystallizes slowly at a high temperature will have a structure with large crystals. Honey, which crystallizes slowly at low temperature, will have a structure with small crystals or even saloobraznuyu. Knowing this, you can choose the conditions for the storage of honey.
How to make a crystallized (solid) liquid honey?
Allowed the slow warming of honey at temperatures above 40 ˚ C. With this method, honey fully retains all its properties. This is difficult to do without a special device, if large amount of honey. But for practical purposes, this is rarely required. Much more often need very little liquid honey, for example, for instilling in her eyes.

 Fermentation, acidification of honey
Another property of honey - its hygroscopic. This ability to draw the moisture, odors from the air.
When storing honey is important to provide the right conditions for it. There is a simple rule. Honey stored in a dark, dry place. It is important only that. All other conditions are not important. People often ask why honey began to wander. The main reason, was bought by "immature honey", ie Honey with high humidity. Often, some unscrupulous beekeepers evacuated this honey, in pursuit of an earlier implementation (yet no one is selling, and the market offers fresh honey). There are other reasons. Ease of operation for pumping, this honey is not necessary to print, it is not ready, and, consequently, his bees wax lid is not closed. This honey is obtained more (there are a lot of water). What is in it less, so it's good, because he nedoobogaschen enzymes bees. It is often said: "He comes." In my experience, "yes, come, before fermentation." Where such an experience? Almost every year we have to pump out this honey, but not at the beginning and at the end of the season. In cells, it accumulates in August, and, because of cold spells occurring bees have not processed it. Such honey we do not sell, and use as a spring top-dressing bees.
To choose a ripe honey, read the section on viscosity.
And if honey was a mature, but still has to turn sour, there were signs of fermentation?
The reason - in the wrong storage. Honey could "suck" the moisture, so went fermentation.