

 Royal jelly is the secret allotroficheskih (pharyngeal and mandibular) glands of young worker bees that make it stand out from 4-6 to 12-15 days of life.
Royal jelly is an opaque mass of creamy consistency of milky white or light cream color. On the palate, it is tart, slightly burning, odor-specific with a touch of honey. The color and consistency of royal jelly does not depend on the geographic origin and the harvest season.
Royal jelly has a very distinct bacteriostatic properties. Thus, even a 10-fold dilution with water, it is more potent preservative than carbolic acid. Antibacterial properties of this product are selective.

The chemical composition of royal jelly

The chemical composition of milk complex and depends on the age of the larvae, the final stage of their development (uterus, worker bee, or drone), the season of collection, storage conditions, and other factors. It consists of various chemical substances occurring in nature, including pollen, as well as specific components and connections having bees origin.
Has the greatest biological activity jelly under 2 hours after removal from the mother liquors. At a temperature of 3 ... 5 degrees, it loses its biological properties after 12-24 h, and at 0 grudusov - to 3-4th day.
Royal jelly has a high and diverse biological activity has an impact on various aspects of metabolism in the body. Its biological effect depends on a combination of components and aggregates and may vary depending on the mode of production, storage, processing and canning.

Royal Jelly:

• normal blood pressure
• Reduces cholesterol and increase phospholipid content in the blood and tissues of the brain and the liver, which prevents atherosclerosis
• strengthens the body
• increases resistance to disease and immunogenic capacity
• tonic effect on the body
• stimulates metabolism
• restores the function of the endocrine glands
• beneficial effects on the nervous system
• improves blood formation
• activity of the heart and digestion 

Royal jelly is the rare product of beekeeping. Its price is 1,000 times more expensive than honey. Sell ​​it in mg. We do not advise refers to the product as a miracle cure. Royal jelly does not heal.

Royal Jelly. Use and application

The use of royal jelly

Royal jelly stimulates the organs of hematopoiesis
Under his influence:
• increase the amount of hemoglobin
• normal number of red blood cells
• reduced white blood cells.

Royal jelly restores bone

The effect of royal jelly on bone remodeling.
In the recovery period, when administered at a dose of 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight is observed accelerating the healing process.

Royal jelly retards aging

Taking royal jelly, not only during the disease, but also during the normal condition of life-support, as it suspends the process of aging. Royal jelly helps to eliminate toxins (lead compounds, etc.) from the body.

Benefits of royal jelly

It has a bracing effect, perfectly adjusts the body's immune system. Immunity is increased so that the body begins to deal with their own ailing. In addition, it rejuvenates: regenerates tissues and cells, activation of metabolic processes. This property is taken into account in the milk fragrance industry with the release of anti-aging emulsions, creams, ointments, elixirs.

Who is the royal jelly

Royal jelly is a stimulating drug that is useful for vitamin deficiency, dystonia, severe climate changes, anemia, blood loss during delivery. With it, there is a restoration of albumin - the main protein of blood, which is made of the human liver. Its amount is reduced by various inflammations (both acute and chronic), burns, rheumatic diseases, viral and bacterial infections, intestinal ulcers, vasculitis, tissue necrosis. Development of albumin decreases if there are malignant tumors, sick liver, heart valves and struck a number of other cases.
It is good for the eyesight, has antispasmodic properties. And even as some researchers believe, is able to accelerate the growth and increase sexual function. Noticed its positive impact on the health of people with asthma. In combination with the method apiterapii (using bee venom) using milk gives good results in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis.


Young children royal jelly, which has anti-viral properties, it is useful for infections of influenza (prophylaxis can be used for two-three times the irrigation of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth emulsion royal jelly), exhaustion;


With the weakness, exhaustion, premature aging, depression, and poor appetite. It improves the ability to work, improve vitality, memory, lowers cholesterol and risk of cancer

Nursing mothers

Thanks to him, in nursing mothers improves lactation, normalized protein and electrolyte composition of the blood, the condition of blood vessels and blood pressure.
Diabetes will feel improvement after only six months after treatment "royal jelly": seriously reduced blood sugar levels.

Contraindications to the use of

Do not take milk in acute infections (exception - the flu, SARS). And also - at night, since it can initiate the body and cause insomnia. It is contraindicated in diseases of the adrenal glands and Addison's disease (when the adrenal glands stop producing the required amount of hormones - primarily cortisol).

In what form can be jelly

Milk can be adsorbed, dried; on its base making medicines. But useful nevertheless fresh - it has more valuable biological properties. Instead, set it (5-15 grams) under the tongue - for better absorption. The fact that the enzymes in the stomach directly jelly destroyed. And therefore no longer active.

Royal jelly allergenic

We must remember that this bee product can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is desirable overdose. Allergy manifests itself in different ways: a disorder of the digestive system, vomiting, diarrhea, flushing, rash, abdominal pain, itching. In addition, excessive doses can cause endocrine and nervous disorder. Besides - tachycardia, hypertension and even cardiac arrest.

Royal Jelly. Recipes

1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic pharyngitis
2. Menopausal Disorders
3. Anemia
4. Headache
5. Liver disease
6. Dystonia, hypotension
7. Bronchial asthma
8. Diabetes mellitus

To strengthen the defenses useful mixture in the ratio of 1 g of milk per 100 g of honey. On the day should be put under the tongue half a teaspoon of this mixture.

Traditional recipes

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic pharyngitis

Prepare a mixture of 1 g of milk per 100 g of honey. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract taken orally twice a day for an hour before a meal - 5, the course - two weeks. It is recommended to repeat three times a year. And for sore throat with a cotton swab to lubricate the mixture back of the throat.

Menopausal Disorders

A mixture of milk and honey (1:100) take, holding in his mouth until dissolved, twice a day for half a teaspoon - for six weeks.


A mixture of (1:100) to take three times a day for 1/2 tsp. Kept in the mouth until dissolved.


By keeping the mouth until dissolved, take the mixture (1:50). After that, drink a glass of freshly brewed black tea, tie a head scarf and lie down for half an hour.

Liver disease

Mix 30 g of honey with 20 mg of milk. In the morning, an hour before breakfast, take four weeks to 1 tsp.

Dystonia, hypotension

Three times a day for three weeks dissolve under the tongue 20 mg milk. After a week's break, the procedure should be repeated.

Bronchial asthma

Cook dough, mixing the liquid heated honey powder 500 g glucose and 20 g of crude royal jelly. Then cut into the plate. Each of them should be about half a gram of milk. For half an hour before meals to take three times a day on one disc. The same method can help with a stomach ulcer.

Diabetes mellitus

Within three weeks of taking raw royal jelly for half an hour before a meal in the amount of 100 mg.