

Ambrosia - canned medofermentnym composition of bee (pollen), folded and compacted by bees in the cell, held lactic fermentation, during which the pollen grains germinate and turn into ambrosia.
In this process, the pollen grains are transformed into "Hlebina". Pollen contains amino acids, vitamins and enzymes having antimicrobial properties and high biological value.

How is pollen
For the life of the bee family needs carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and other elements, in which the bees are especially in need in springtime.
Being on the flowers of plants, especially in the morning hours, the bees literally showered with pollen. They clean off the pollen from the body, moisten her nectar and secretions of the salivary glands and formed into baskets hind legs lumps of pollen - pollen. Burden two legs weighs from 16 to 24 mg and each containing up to 3-4 million pollen grains. To collect this amount of pollen bee visits from 200 to 500 flowers. All these compounds are obtained from plant pollen.
Pollen brought into the hive, the bees are stored in the cells of combs, seal head and poured honey. Long periods of storage in cells exposed to pollen lactic fermentation to produce lactic acid, which prevents the pollen from spoiling. Thus, after a complex enzymatic process of pollen and honey is produced pollen or bee bread. It's a different product, and between pollen and pollen can not be equated, since the composition of pollen and pollen different. Thus, sugar pollen contains 18% Perga - 34.8% fat - respectively 3.33% and 1.58% protein - 24.06% and 21.74% mineral - 2.55% and 2.43% Lactic acid - 0.35% and 3.06%.

Pollen in the cells
Bees bring on the day of 10 to 40 g of pollen, and during the growing period the family gathers 25-55 kg. In rough estimates N.P.Yoyrish (1974) pointed out that in the Soviet Union in one summer bees collect at least 200 tons of pollen. This is only a small part of what gives the plant.
In the absence of a bee colony pollen or pollen queen stops laying eggs and bees builders do not secrete wax and build honeycomb.
Pollen and people
Pollen - a good biological stimulant that acts on the weakened body. One gram of pollen contains many daily doses of vitamin P (rutin), which is called the vitamin of youth that can prevent some people from bleeding.
Pollen is a magnificent natural and therefore safe anabolic. This unique product is never enough. Pollen is produced by bees in limited quantities. It can not be artificially cultivated or fake.
Pollen - a natural product is 3-5 times greater than the pollen load on the content of sugars in it, vitamins, enzymes, lactic acid fermentation products, etc.
Minerals: K (40%), Mg (25%), Fe (17%) Ca (17%), vitamins A, C, D, E.
In this case, potassium is easily absorbed by the body, determines the construction and functioning of the heart muscle, metabolism and elimination of toxins from the body, magnesium - the construction and functioning of the nervous system, iron regulates the blood system, blood composition and activity of hemoglobin, calcium "liability" for the construction of the skeletal system , structure and strength of bone.
Pollen is recommended for:
• hepatitis, gastritis, colitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers
• violation of potency, male infertility
• anemia
• Allergies
• Flu
• psoriasis, herpes
• heart attack, stroke
• neurodermatitis, eczema
• Colon Cleansing
• impairment of cerebral circulation
• heart failure
• alcoholism, drug addiction
• pathology of pregnancy
• traumatic brain injuries
• dementia, memory loss
• genekologicheskih diseases
• restores microflora and intestinal mucosa
• improves cerebral blood flow in all forms of stroke, as well as traumatic brain injuries
• stabilizes the immune system
• treat food allergies in children, which is usually caused by low immunity and lack of vitamins and minerals
• used to improve potency, male infertility, prostate adenoma
• has a beneficial effect on the health of pregnant women and fetal development
• used to prevent miscarriages and toxicosis
• postpartum pollen helps restore blood loss and forces mothers, improves lactation.

Treatment of Perge, bee bread

Treatment of genital disorders with perge
Pollen men to increase potency
Under the action of bee bread improves blood flow to the lower body and the peripheral organs, so it is used to improve potency, male infertility, prostate adenoma. To increase the potency of the drug regularly take 1 per day, with an active sex life - 2-3 times a day. Sperm count is on the increase by 2-3 times and increases their mobility.

Pollen women during and after pregnancy
Bee bread also has a beneficial effect on the health of pregnant women and the fetus. It is best to apply the treatment of pollen in the early months of pregnancy to prevent miscarriage and toxemia, and in recent months - to enhance immunity of mother and child.
In the postpartum period, the drug rapidly restores blood loss and women in labor force, improves lactation. Taking the drug 1-2 times a day for a teaspoon.
Treatment of post-stroke states pergoj

Pollen in the cells
Research has shown that cerebral blood flow is restored when any form of stroke caused by blockage of blood vessels, as well as their rupture due to hemorrhage. Good results were also observed in traumatic brain injuries. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels, reduced functioning of the affected brain centers.
Judge for yourself: the patient in a coma in stroke bee bread is given in small doses (1/3 tsp) under the tongue 4-5 times a day. By saliva starts up. As a rule, come out of the coma on the second day, three days patients are starting to sit up, and a week go for a walk. Experience has shown that cerebral blood flow is restored in all forms of stroke and traumatic brain injuries. Treatment of pollen and helps older people who have age-developing dementia and memory loss - they go back to normal
Prevention and treatment of infectious diseases

Pollen in the cells
Bee bread - the perfect prophylactic for adults and children. In this case, you just take one dose a day, thoroughly dissolving it under your tongue, - half a teaspoon of children, adults - a teaspoon.
Just the third or fourth day there influx of new forces, reduced fatigue. Conducted a course so stabilizes the immune system, even when an epidemic of flu and colds is high probability that the person does not get sick, or will transfer the disease very easily.
Treatment of influenza, SARS, flu, sore throat, hepatitis pergoj
Taking the drug 2 times a day, a teaspoon for adults and children on the floor. After the first two days of high temperature begins the healing process.
Treatment of pollen food allergy, skin and other diseases
Skin diseases and ambrosia
In clinical trials in children with allergies and covered with a rash on the 4th-5th day of taking this natural supplements cutaneous manifestation of the disease completely disappeared. In these cases, the drug is given to children three times a day for a quarter of a spoon. Of course, if the trial was held on the tolerance of the body of bee products.
Respond well to treatment pollen diseases such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, herpes. Also required to apply the ointment with propolis to lubricate the affected skin.

Treatment of pollen food allergy
Bee bread treat food allergies in children, which is usually caused by low immunity and lack of vitamins and minerals. In these cases, the drug is given three times a day for 1/4 tsp

Gastrointestinal Disorders
Interesting results were obtained in the treatment of bee bread gastro-intestinal diseases - gastritis, colitis, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Under the influence of the drug microflora and intestinal mucosa restored by 3 - 4 days.
The use of pollen in hypotension and hypertension
Even small doses of bee bread increase blood flow to the stomach. Therefore, when taken before a meal increased blood flow to the stomach reduces blood pressure, suffering from low blood pressure, as well as people with normal blood pressure experienced discomfort as a result of the outflow of blood from the head. After 30 - 40 min. pressure is normalized and unpleasant condition disappears. So welcome to the food can be recommended to hypertensive patients, for whom this will be only for the benefit of, as a means to effectively reduce and restore the pressure to normal.
Admission rate of pollen
A "mayonnaise" jar enough for one person for one month.
Single dose treatment with bee bread, which provides stimulation of protective forces of the organism, is an adult human half tsp a day for a child 1/6 tsp twice a day for a day or thrice use. The increase in single dose no significant impact as the stimulation of the body is spent exactly that amount, and the rest is just used as a high-calorie diet.
This product is a high-energy, so the perception of it depends on the time of reception - on an empty stoma