


Zabrus - is cut lids sealed combs. Sealing honeycomb, bees is a substance that includes secret wax and salivary glands of bees, propolis and pollen.
Composition zabrus
Zabrus its composition is far superior to ordinary wax - it's a whole bunch of bee products, natural unusual conglomeration of biologically active substances. Applied in such a complex form, these products enhance the therapeutic effect of each other.

Treatment zabrus

The main food for the brain is glucose. So when you chew zabrus or honey in the comb, is instantaneous absorption of glucose. If you eat honey deflated, it first enters the stomach, and only then feeds the brain.
In folk medicine, zabrus has long been used to treat many diseases. Scientists have found that zabrus effective in treating:

• infections
• intestinal dysbiosis,
• runny nose,
• inflammation of the sinuses, etc.

Addictive disease agents to zabrus not been, and will not cause allergies, which distinguishes it from conventional medicines. Recovery occurs quickly and without complications.
 In diseases of the digestive system it is recommended to chew zabrus, it causes severe salivation and, consequently, improve the secretory and motor functions of the stomach. In addition, the component parts zabrus improve metabolism, blood circulation, efficiency, strengthen gums, lining of the larynx, stomach, etc.
Zabrus boosts the immune system, especially to colds. Children chew zabrus useful as a preventive measure in the fall and spring to prevent the flu, the common cold, sinusitis, etc.
Zabrus pleasant to the taste, and the children chew it willingly. If zabrus few harsh, before the application can add a little honey.