Beekeepers know well that queen bees in the first two years of life possess to do well, and families with such uterus quickly grow, keep a working condition during the whole season and collect a lot of honey. Queen bees are more senior than two years usually reduce a yaytsenoskost and, besides, postpone more trutnevy eggs and more often perish in wintering. Families with such uterus are more inclined to swarming, is frequent more weakly than families with a young uterus and therefore use main bribes worse. Need of change of a uterus doesn't raise doubts, however the question of application of these or those methods very isn't certain.
Having arisen before beekeepers together with emergence of frame beehives, the question of a way of change of a uterus isn't removed from the agenda and now. The matter is that almost all receptions of change of a uterus are quite often connected with decrease in efficiency of bee families in a year of change.


The financial crisis has affected the interests of many parties beekeeping industry. Large farms and honey companies became more difficult to obtain credit. The drop in demand for some products and minimize their production (including almonds in the United States and Australia) have led to a decrease in revenue from bee pollination. By the beginning of 2010 the price of sugar reached its peak in the last 30 years. Great damage to the industry caused mass death of bees from a variety of diseases, pests and other "evils". These and other factors have contributed to the growth of the world prices for honey.